Kill APIs if we want Open Finance

3 03 2021

Over the past years we have seen PSD2 come into force, we have had Open Banking (and the OBIE) both with the aim of bringing a world of APIs to banking, the desired goal, to enable third parties to gain access to banking to enable them to provide better customer experiences and choice. However, as the OBIE is being wound down, we are starting to look to the next governing body to help define API standards and ensure infrastructure resilience while also playing with the concept of Open Finance.

While Open Banking may not have proven to bring mass adoption with it by end customers, it has at least shown that there are other ways of doing things, more modern approaches. There are some great solutions now being brought to the market which are only possible because of Open Banking APIs, but it is fair to say, Open Banking hasn’t had the impact many predicted or may have hoped for.

So, has Open Banking failed? Well the short answer IMHO is no, rather it has shown that for real customer outcomes to be improved, we need to look at customers finances as a whole and not just their bank account/credit card activity. This brings us to the concept of forcing other areas of the financial services sector to provide Open API type of access. While this may seem all great, there are some learnings that must be learnt from Open Banking, and for me, these need to be addressed asap.

Standards aren’t standard

Standards are often the keys to interoperability. So, with this in mind, the OBIE and PSD2 set about setting standards of what Open Banking APIs should look like, how they should behave. Banks though have to build these API layers, knowing that they don’t really fit with the infrastructure or approach they may have within their technology stack. Let’s park the issue of legacy systems, because even with an uber modern Core Banking system, Open Banking APIs are very prescriptive and will not follow your IT design pattern of choice. Because of this, and various other technical challenges, we find that banks have to work around the spec, and this leads to interpretation. The result, a third party needs to have tweaks for bank-to-bank integration. This is a maintenance nightmare, not just for the third parties, but also the banks themselves, which has resulted in infrastructure that clearly hasn’t got the same up time as the bank’s core systems.

With standards, less is often more. Less to cover leads to better focus which leads to the removal of interpretation which leads to a robust standard. A key learning before we embark on Open Finance is that we MUST have less documentation and greater focus on accuracy.

Ditch direct APIs

If we really want to thin out our standards, then we need to focus on what data is needed, and less on the API implementation / flow. This wont thin down documentation massively, but it will allow the pencil to be far sharper in terms of accuracy and the removal of interpretation wiggle room. The second learning is that banks need to make sure their “Open Banking / Open Finance” infrastructure is resilient and fits more seamlessly with their technological approaches. Given that each bank is different, their IT strategy will be different, their core systems are different, their capabilities are different, their ability to invest in Open Finance is very different this is the biggest learning we must take forward into the world of Open Finance.

So how do we solve these two issues while still providing external standardised connectivity and interoperability amongst financial services companies. The answer is simple, move with the times…

Direct APIs are dying off. We therefore need to move with the times and kill off this concept of direct Open Banking and Open Finance APIs. Modern architecture uses Event Patterns and not direct APIs. With an event pattern, components (software) raises /publishes an event to an event broker. The broker has subscribers who then receive that event and can process it accordingly. There are many benefits here, including the fact that publishing and consuming events is consistent, no matter what the system is you want to integrate with or what process you wish to trigger. The API for publishing events is consistent and does not change, so you are abstracting API change away from your system. In addition, the beauty here is a single event can be picked up by multiple subscribers, and therefore promote parallel processing. You can see why direct API integrations are dying off…

Event brokers and orchestration

If we want to provide Open Finance, then financial institutions need to expose an event broker. Third parties can then push events onto that event broker which can be picked up by the financial company and acted upon. The financial companies’ implementation becomes irrelevant at this point, rather it is down to them to simply act upon the event and return an event if required. This gives them freedom to architect their solution in a way they know will work, in a fashion that plays nicely with their IT strategy and in a way, they can improve resilience. This also makes them far more accountable if they are unable to meet certain up-time obligations.

From a third-party point of view, event broker APIs very rarely change, they are constant. This means the focus becomes that of what data is within the event, something that can be specified and made extremely concise. From institution to institution the approach will be unified as to will the experience for the third party. This removes the challenge largely of API management and supporting a plethora of direct APIs and their versions. Essentially API implementation and change has been abstracted away.

This is how we can move to a far more prescriptive standard regarding Open Finance while at the same time, simplifying implementation.

I should also add that event patterns will dramatically improve the customer experience and make everything feel far more integrated – when compared to that of multiple APIs from multiple providers all of which have to be triggered in specific orders.


Financial Services need only leverage small aspects of the Cloud to enable this new approach. Both Azure and AWS have highly mature, robust event orchestration capabilities, and most banks globally have relationships with both Microsoft and Amazon. Simply utilise these cloud providers orchestration capabilities, technology such as Event Grid and Event Grid Domains from Azure will do the trick.

The setup is consistent and simple across the financial services organisation and for a third party. The implementation by the financial services organisation is behind the event broker and therefore they don’t need to worry about following specifics, rather they hook directly into what works for them best. The standard becomes highly data focussed in terms of what the data being published onto the event broker looks like – standards such as ISO 20022 will help here and Microsofts Common Object Data Model (for financial services) will also help.


Open Finance will provide dramatic improvements in terms of customer outcomes once in-place. Better access to financial products, improved transparency, better customer services and new innovations that can be taken advantage of will all start to happen. But this can only really happen with better standards regarding data and simplified implementation approaches – for both the third party providers and financial service organisations.

Direct APIs bring with them a level of complexity which is simply not required in todays modern architecture. By moving Open Finance away from this now dated construct and towards that of Event Patterns, Open Finance becomes far easier to implement and execute successfully. Here is to the death of Open Banking APIs and the birth of Open Finance Eventing….

Building a bank…

27 04 2019

Building a business is one hell of a challenge, so when Nick Ogden (yes, the founder of WorldPay) said to me that he wanted to build a bank, I was a little apprehensive. But before I could really respond, Nick explained that he didn’t just want to build a bank, he wanted to build the UK’s first Clearing Bank in 250+ years!!!!! I think most people would be intimidated, however, we felt that this was one of those rare opportunities that you get to re-imagine how an entire suite of services could be delivered. Back in 2015, this was the birth of Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS). 

TYou see, Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a technology play, it’s middleware, its banking deconstructed and delivered in granular, individual services. Plug them together, build our your capabilities and you can start to deliver banking outcomes for your customers. But Banking-as-a-Service, BaaS, is more than just technology, it’s leveraging all aspects of banking, including your balance sheet and more….

Banking-as-a-Service I feel really was born in that room with Nick Ogden back in 2015. This really was the start of our journey, the journey of building out ClearBank. Not only have we built the first Clearing Bank in 250 years, it’s the first Clearing Bank ever to join the UK’s main payment schemes all at once, the first ever to build out its own technology and the first ever to be built completely with Cloud technologies, and the first true provider of Banking-as-a-Service. A quite a few firsts there….

At the UK’s Azure User Group, I talked about some of our journey, some of the challenges and actually, how would I build a bank today…You can view the video here….


Machine Learning and financial crime

11 10 2018

When we founded ClearBank, one of the key questions we set ourselves was, “how do we leverage technology to be better”. When I say “better”, we meant better at particular services or functions that a clearing bank have to undertake or offer. This one question really me on the journey of delivering a true Banking as a Service (BaaS) offering to other regulated institutions and FinTechs. It’s also why we wanted to explore Machine Learning to help in the fight regarding financial crime.

I will be honest, I don’t find “RISK” management fun, however, as part of managing risk and trying to mitigate financial crime, things can get quite innovative, and that is where the fun can begin. These areas have some real obvious, yet rather powerful application uses for deep machine learning. I know some will call this AI, but it’s far too narrow to be called AI (I have a real bug bear with people calling things AI when it is Machine Learning – let’s save that for another day though). So, these use cases, what are they:

  1. Fraud detection
  2. Anti-Money Laundering

Most of us when we read fraud detection think of our experiences with our payment cards, either someone else is seemingly able to purchase “stuff!” with our cards, or we get stopped and cannot use our payment card because the bank thinks something fraudulently is going on. However, fraud is wider than that, think ID theft, actually having your bank account taken over by other individuals, these are two other areas of fraud that impact many of us today. So, how can machine learning help with actual transactional based fraud, and fraud such as account takeover? The answer is to use it to learn about you, you as an individual, and what I like is also learning about you in context of your peers activities. I will come back to that one in a moment.

The second obvious use case is that of AML (Anti-Money Laundering). This is where we can use machine learning to help identify money movements that could indicate a form of money laundering, especially within closed groups. One of the benefits here of being an actual direct clearer (as in connecting to all the payment schemes) is that you can track the money movements across all the channels, helping to gather sufficient data that a machine learning platform can start to identify money laundering techniques.

For the purpose of today’s post though, let’s just focus on fraud detection…


What’s normal?

Let’s use machine learning to learn what your transactions look like. Believe it or not, most of us are creatures of habit, we buy coffee typically from the same shops, we purchase our lunch or shopping at similar times in the day from similar locations. We visit restaurants on date night (which for me is always a Friday night with the wife), we drink at the same bars etc etc etc. You get my point. Machine learning can take all that data and start to build a profile of your normal activity. Sure you will have the odd splurge on some big ticket items, a holiday, a sofa, a car etc but across all your activity Machine Learning can build a pretty accurate picture of what looks like “normal” activity for you, as opposed to what looks “strange” for you.

We can apply similar learning to how you access your account, locations when you access it, the devices you use, the time of your access etc. These data points help form a profile again of what “normal” looks like, and therefore “strange” can be identified.

This all sounds great right, however, how many of us have incidents when we find we cannot make a payment, or we get alerts saying, “due to fraudulent activity your card has been suspended”? This can be the result of a “rules” based matrix approach, trying to spot fraud, or a machine learning implementation that could be better. Essentially your provider is identifying “strange” and creating what we call a “false positive”, in other words, thinks it’s fraud when it isn’t.


I love context

With Machine Learning, you can add layers of learning, so why not add an additional layer that looks at the context of “normal” or “strange” in relation to your peers. Let me give you an example, because without it I don’t poses the capabilities to articulate what I mean…

You never gamble on horse racing, however, it’s the Grand National here in the UK, and you fancy a flutter. When placing your bet, this looks like “strange” activity for you and your account. It can easily be flagged as attempted fraud and you are stopped from placing that bet. However, if your banking providers machine learning platform understands “context” it can make a better assessment. See, the Machine Learning platform could learn that it is the Grand National, it could also learn that your peers are also all placing bets on that race, this too could look like “strange” for individuals, but as a group of you, all of a sudden this doesn’t look like strange activity. Essentially, your Machine Learning platform has learnt the “context” of that activity, therefore it looks “normal”. The result, well instead of getting stopped from having that flutter, your horse comes in, you make a fair few “quid” and everyone is happy…. The power of Machine Learning with “context”.


Compute compute and a little more compute

Machine Learning is highly powerful, and I hope you see just how capable and helpful it can be at protecting your account from fraudulent activities. However, you need data, lots of it, and lots of compute power to crunch those numbers and algorithms to actually provide a decent Machine Learning based platform. The challenge therefore is having enough compute power to learn at an individual level, but also at a group contextual level. Until the Cloud really came along, this made Machine Learning a tool that only the real big players could leverage, simply because of the cost of purchasing enough physical compute power. That’s all changed, the cloud allows us to elastically scale resources associated with Machine Learning up and down, which drastically reduces the cost involved. It also brings far greater flexibility in terms of how these platforms are built and connected into the banking systems.

At ClearBank I always wanted to ensure we had sufficient compute capabilities, that’s why our Machine Learning solutions reside within our Azure cloud, giving us access to all the compute power we need, when we need it. We have partnered with some pretty cool technology companies too, such as FeatureSpace, enabling us to build out deep powerful machine learning solutions to fight financial crime, which do understand “context”.


Quick recap…

Essentially a good Machine Learning based solution can protect your account from fraudsters. It can learn what normal looks like for you, and when understanding “context”, it can even spot when activities are yours that typically don’t fall into your normal activity. The keys to unlocking this level of capability is harvesting enough data, and having the compute power to process it all. The cloud here is an enabler, helping financial service providers take advantage of the endless scale of the Cloud in the fight against financial crime.

It would be great to hear your comments and thoughts on this, but also any ideas or applications where you can see the use of Machine Learning really having an impact in financial services.



ISO 20022 and banking APIs

16 03 2017

I think there are a few perceptions of what ISO 20022 is, which are actually quite wrong, or unfortunately just focus on one area of 20022. In this post, I don’t want to go through ISO 20022 in great detail, rather give some background pointers on it, and to look at how ISO 20022 can be used in a banking API.

So first off, what is ISO 20022. Wikipedia has it as an ISO standard for electronic data interchange between financial organisations. Quite frankly this is very narrow of what 20022 actually is. I would better describe it as a framework for what best describes financial based product types, associated data, business processes and finally, the exchange of information – though not just between financial organisations. I prefer to think of ISO 20022 like this, though it is technically a data dictionary and business process definition list. 20022 has been around for some years, I think over a decade now, and all throughout that time, institutions have been contributing to the standard, growing it and making it more valuable to the community (in my opinion).


Though this isn’t a new standard, adoption has been slow. Here in the UK we have, at best got “interested parties”, though that interest continues is gathering more and more momentum. None of the UK payment schemes operate on ISO 20022, though this year has seen the big three (Faster Payments, Bacs and CHAPS) working on or publishing documents that “map” ISO 20022 message interfaces to their native scheme interfaces. In addition, I don’t know of any banks that operate ISO 20022 for messaging, let alone for definitions of products, data capture and business processes – exception being ClearBank. You may be wondering then why ISO 20022 is worth implementing? Well, there are a few big wins in implementing it, the first being you can standardise your entire financial organisations processes no matter the types of products you decide to create/model, the services you wish to provide and the banks/schemes you may wish to integrate with. That drastically reduces the amount of code duplication, it centralises shared processes reducing components that require testing, eases maintenance and all in all, makes life much easier for your business. ISO 20022 reduces RISK across all aspects of your business. In addition, 20022 is gathering momentum, it is simply a matter of time before ISO 20022 is enforced on institutions.

Now armed with this little bit of knowledge, let’s look at some of the key elements that make up ISO 20022.


Definition of financial products

Believe it or not, ISO 20022 describes what sort of financial products can be created. This is done at quite a high level, I prefer describing 20022 as a framework, as that’s really what it does, provides you with a framework in which to describe your financial product. For example, your current account, or savings account in ISO 20022 is considered to be a cash backed account product. (Refer to the ISO 20022 documentation for its formal name). 20022 describes other forms of products at that high level, remember it covers all types of financial organisations, p0roductgs and services, including things like shares and derivatives. However, let’s think of high street banking, think of all the flavours of banking type accounts you can have, they all fall back into that top level “cash account” product type.

In defining a product like this, ISO 20022 also provides information on associated data that should be attached to a product when a customer opens/has that type of account product. If you’re a FinTech, or challenger bank, then grasping this could in the long run save you lots of heartache, while at the same time help build out your account type specifications.


Account holder detail

Just as ISO 20022 helps define products, it also defines what data a financial organisation should be holding on account holders. Not always done in the most intuitive of ways, none the less, the standard does expect certain data to be held. Most of this is common sense, but there are the odd items in there that you may have overlooked, so from that point of view, ISO 20022 will help you validate what data you’re holding. Please note though, this isn’t definitive, use it as a framework, hold more data if you have a business case, and not all of it if you do not. Remember, data protection legislation, along with lots of other data considerations when it comes to holding account data.


Business processes

I think many forget or simply don’t know that ISO 20022 sets standards for very specific business processes. Keeping in mind, that 20022 handles ALL forms of financial organisations, there are lots of processes in there, however the two that really interest, I would say the majority of banks, credit unions, FinTechs, challengers etc are around Payment Initiation (known as PAIN) and Payment Clearing and Settlements (known as PACS).

ISO 20022 defines these processes. Now again, they are really to be used as a framework, but if you are a challenger bank, or a FinTech, it is well worth spending some time to familiarise yourself with these, they give you a definitive process that enforces you do the right things, such as consider your regulatory reporting requirements.


Message interfaces

This is the most commonly known feature/function of ISO 20022, the definition of financial information exchange. PAIN and PACS messages are fully defined, now I’m not always one for “standardisation”, as I often find it stifles creativity and innovation. However, when it is applied to something that is “fundamentally part of the fabric”, if you like, of shared interests then it works brilliantly and encourages innovation. Where would we be without HTML and the W3 standard? For me, financial transactions, their definition should be standardised, this will help stimulate creativity and ultimately financial service/product innovation.


Banking APIs

There is a lot being made of banking APIs, or the lack of. There are two big factors why we don’t have open banking APIs IMHO;

  1. Aging legacy banking systems
  2. Risk factors
  3. A standard approach

The first one is pretty obvious, but the second is the main challenge that really faces banks. That Risk is in two main areas, the first securing the API, and that can be challenging if you want to make it open, the second is in terms of who carries Risk of the payment. With PSD2, that Risk conversation needs a lot more thought. The third issue is a standard for the API or messaging.

ISO 20022 provides message interface definitions, and it really is the most obvious choice for banks to build APIs around. However, ISO 20022 doesn’t have a standard or process for securing message interfaces / message exchange channels. I personally think that is a good thing – lots of personal reasons why which I will not run into in this blog. ISO 20022 messaging is also an XML based interface definition, nothing wrong with that, but that can be heavy on network traffic. JSON is a much better choice for message interchanges, especially when we look towards RESTful based APIs. So what is the answer….

Banking APIs can be delivered via REST, they can be secured using Public/Private Keys and tokenisation, all technologies and methodologies that have proven track records for security. So the only challenge is the XML message definition being wrapped up in a more appropriate format, JSON. Well that’s not a challenge, simply serialise XML payloads as a string.

So while ISO 20022 doesn’t define APIs it provides us with a message interface standard, which can be used as an API payload. In the open banking API debate, the answers have been sitting there for quite sometime….


More on ISO 20022

There is lots of information on ISO 20022 at which is obviously a great source. There are digital libraries (java classes) though I would recommend the written documentation. Obviously a standard shouldn’t tie you to a technology, like Java, however the XML schema definitions have a little left to be desired, so when importing using other tools than those used to create the digital libraries you end up with lots of class duplication. Frustrating I know, but a skilled dev can get around that by writing some additional code. It’s something that needs addressing and probably will do over a longer period of time.

There are also lots of guides on the standard, I’ve even seen a “dummies guider to ISO 20022”, you obviously know its something worth learning if there is a dummies guide….

The big bank cyber cover-up

15 04 2015

Something that I have long suspected (and been aware of) is that banks don’t like admitting when money goes missing. It doesn’t matter if it is their money, or yours and mine, the point is if anything goes missing it looks bad for an institution that is supposed to be your secure holder of money. It really doesn’t matter the circumstances either, be it with a dodgy employee doing something naughty at the cashier’s desk, or customers being subjected to cybercrime and fraud, the fact is the bank won’t report it…This thought of mine is backed up by a statement made by the City of London Police chief Adrian Leppard, claiming that he believes up to 80% of online crime goes unreported. Have a read of this article in finextra

The challenge

So why is cybercrime growing so massively? The simple fact is, something I’ve been complaining about for a long long time now, is that no matter what you do, you cannot secure something that is inherently not secure. What do I mean? Well card details are not secure. They are printed on the thing, nothing sophisticated is needed to get hold of card details at all. This means card schemes, banks, payment service providers, online payment gateways, businesses, all have to spend vast amounts of money on trying to prove that those card details (at the point of a purchase) are in the hand of the owner. The simple fact that I can get those card details so easily, means that for a person willing to undertake some cyber fraud or card fraud in general, it’s easy, it’s a weak point in the system.

My point is proven even when you add technology upon technology upon technology. Just look at the recent issues with Apple Pay. Apple, claiming the system is so secure is actually not a million miles away from the truth, if Apple could secure the card details that were added to the device, but since these are not secure in any way shape or form, it’s easy to just add other peoples card details to my own Apple device and away I go…

The solution?

The solution is so blatantly simple it frustrates me. Move away from Cards! We don’t move away from cards because of the cost of the card scheme infrastructure, an infrastructure that is so massively outdated in today’s cyber world. Card schemes are simply easy pickings for cyber fraudsters.

When I say move away from cards, I don’t mean just replace the physical card with your phone, ala Apple Pay, I mean ditch the scheme itself. There really is no need for a card to be required in a transaction, this is proven by a number of mobile payment technologies out there that move away from card schemes and look at their own scheme effectively, utilising “e-money”. These businesses / schemes have a massive opportunity to provide security that simply removes fraud, build technology built with modern day living security in mind, and all of a sudden, the fraudster’s life is much much harder. If you detach from the dependency on a card scheme, you have payment systems that are secure, you reduce fraud, you reduce risk, and you drastically reduce the cost of a transaction for a business, and ultimately the cost of products / services consumers purchase.

The only issue, business adoption, educating businesses of the benefits to them, the cost savings and the difference in user experience. That’s the massive challenge, something why mobile payment start-ups are failing. Business owners simply don’t have the time to be educated on this stuff….

So the company that cracks that nut, could get a new scheme out there and start reducing the levels of cyber-crime….Sure the banks eventually will like that idea!